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❛U-Kiss (Lyric) Not Young❜

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Weather : ThunderImage and video hosting by TinyPic
Mood : Quite BadImage and video hosting by TinyPic

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We're All Grown Up !, Stop Treating US Like Kids !

I Love this song very much !!!Image and video hosting by TinyPicImage and video hosting by TinyPic

And i really like the part which say Image and video hosting by TinyPic

"내가 무슨 말만하몐
어린 게뭘 알아
엄마는 항상내게
넌 아직 모자라
넌 정말 정말로
이제 다자랐는데
알건 다 아는 나이데


넌이제 넌이제
어린애가 아닌데

너무 답답해~

You Don't Know What I Feel Right Now."

I love it very muchh !!!Image and video hosting by TinyPic

The translations . . .

"Just have a listen to what I'm saying
I know what young is
Mom's always with me,

you dont know yet
In reality,
I'm really completely grown up now
im old enough to know everything

How does it hurt~

Now I, Now I, am not a kid
So Gloomy~

You don't know what I feel right now"

And Image and video hosting by TinyPicKevin Expression is so perfect , he can describe his face really looks like falling in love ! Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Wanna see ?
Here ! Look it in U-kiss full MV ! ! !Image and video hosting by TinyPic

I Love Image and video hosting by TinyPic Kevin Expression ! He's so cute ! ! ! Image and video hosting by TinyPic

PS : Make Tweets account ! so u can contact with ur favorite korean boy band and girl band !

@Icon : reviviscent


"U-Kiss (Lyric) Not Young" was Posted On: Monday, March 29, 2010 @7:43 PM
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