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❛Cheesecake Recipe !❜

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Creamy Cheese Cake! , Yaps it is the title of my blog! I really like the
cheesecake, cheesecake are various. And I liked all kinds of cheesecake Image and video hosting by TinyPicand it scares me to check my weight. . . Image and video hosting by TinyPic

I really like making a cake, although more often failed than succeeded Image and video hosting by TinyPic. . . but I'll give the lemon cheesecake recipe! Image and video hosting by TinyPic

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Lemon Cheesecake Image and video hosting by TinyPic


325 gr cream cheese
130 gr butter
350 gr of fresh liquid milk
7 egg yolks
125 gr sugar
¼ tsp vanilla paste
½ tsp fine salt
Para 7 egg whites
1 teaspoon cream of tar-tar
1 teaspoon lemon essence


70 gr flour
50 gr flour tangmien
30 gr milk powder

How to Make:

1. Beat the egg whites, add cream of tar-tar until fluffy stiff. Set aside.
2. Mix the cream chesse and butter. Team until melted, add the fresh liquid milk, still in stir.After the boil. Remove, let cool.
3. In a separate place, beat the egg yolks, vanilla sugar paste, essential lemon and salt until smooth. Set aside.
4. Mix the egg yolk mixture, egg whites into the cream cheese mixture. Stir well. Add flour mixture, stirring slowly until all ingredients mixed.
5. Pour the batter into the pan size 20x20x5 cm which spread with margarine. Bake in a temperature of 180 C until cooked and golden brown. Remove, cut into pieces. Serve.
For 12 Cut.

Finish Image and video hosting by TinyPic And You can design your own Lemon Cheesecake styleImage and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic

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"Cheesecake Recipe !" was Posted On: Wednesday, April 7, 2010 @2:59 PM
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