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❛U-Kiss - Elle Girl Interview❜

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Q: To Alexander who was born in Hong Kong, Korean must still be hard to you right?
A: Especially when I'm angry, I can't express myself well. Besides 'frustrating' and 'disappointing', I don't know what to say. I feel suffocated then.

Q: The oldest hyung who is poor at Korean but you still have a young and cute image.
A: Even though I say something cool intentionally, people only say I'm cute. I don't hate this image but sometimes I appear too much as a friend (i.e of similar age) to my younger members or they think I'm immature, so I'm a little worried about that.

Q: But when you go for overseas performances, it's a different situation.
A: Of course. It's like going to the toilet when you're constipated and letting everything out. It's really refreshing.

Q: Is it true that you can speak 7 languages?
A: I'm not good at all of them. I'm fluent in English, Cantonese and Portugenes. The remaining languages are Korean, Japanese, Spanish and French but I have forgotten all the Spanish I learnt in college. When I was still in school, I was good at studying. I received As when I was in college. My major was Communication.

Q: So it looks like your initial dream wasn't to be a singer.
A: From before, I was interested in broadcasting work. I have tried being an MC and also filmed an advertisement. So this was an unexpected chance. Although it's my mother's homeland, it was difficult for me to decide to become a singer in this foreign country. It was the same for my mother. It wasn't easy. Of course I had worries about regretting but I was excited too. I thought, "If I really want to do then I should try, I can continue my studies in future."

Q: When you're tired or worried, who do you go to?
I pray. I also chat and unwind with the hyungs and nunas in the company. It's a relief that I don't have many problems. Only that I can't sleep since we are so busy. Since I can't sleep well, it seems that my heart gets weaker and I get homesick a lot. Still, since I have members with me, it's alright.

Q: It must be fun to be together with the members.
A: Yes. But aren't we very distraction? We are 'distracted-idols'.

Q: Honestly, among the members you do talk about girls right? Who is the most popular girl group among the members?
A: It changes everyday. If f(x) comes out, we like f(x). If After School comes out, we like After School and if Kara comes out we like Kara....

Q: Isn't it fun to dance and sing on stage?
A: Yes it is. Since I wasn't a trainee for a long time, my skills are not as good as the other members. But since I tried my best, I'm satisfied with what I have to show on stage. Of course, until now when there is a new choreography, I'm the last to master it. (Laughs)


Q: You just returned from the performance in Bangkok with other Korean stars yesterday. The cheers for U-Kiss were really amazing. Looking at the audience, U-Kiss was among the top 3 most popular groups there?
A: Alexander and Kevin are doing 'Pops in
Seoul' on Arirang TV and this program broadcasts to 188 countries. U-Kiss has become more well-known because of this.

Q: I heard that you were a trainee for 3 years. Did your dream to become a singer never waver?

A: I never had problems with my passion to reach my goal. I only faced alot of complications along the way. Since I changed agencies, I had to break my contract. Honestly, I almost didn't get into U-Kiss either. Originally, U-Kiss' concept was a pretty-boy idol ground and truthfully, I'm not good looking. Still, our president saw my hardwork during the audition and acknowledged it.

Q: These days, you are appearing on variety programs such as 'Star Golden Bell' and 'God of Cookery Expedition'. Has it been difficult?
A: Since I was in school, I talked a lot and made my friends laugh. My friends in middle school thought that I would be a gagman. During the recording, I was nervous but it was fun too. Before I make a comment, my heart would already be racing. So whenever people break out in laughter, I feel really good. This moment is really variety. I just have fun and act comfortably according to my personality.

Q: In U-Kiss' Vampire, you were very detailed to your girl partner during a meeting. Is that your usual manner or was it for the broadcast?
A: Fifty-fifty. Since we were to be a couple for one day for the broadcast, I wanted to do my best. If I were to do that in reality everyday, the girl will get sick of it and leave me. I know this well. Haha.

Q: Among the 7 members, you can drink legally, what is your alcohol tolerance like?

A: I can drink really well. There isn't an exact amount I can drink. I get sleepy when I'm drunk? Whenever I drink, I get really sleepy.

Q: As time passes, U-Kiss is growing too. What goal do you wish to achieve?
A: A world star as a multinational group. For myself, if there's a chance, I want to put together a special album together with my friends who do music. Although we're doing 'Idol-like' music now, I hope that I would be recognised as a musician through my skills.


Q: What did you do before coming for this shoot?

A: I exercised at the gym. Our young concept when we made our debut didn't match me. So when we were preparing for 'Man Man Ha Ni' activities, I started working out. Although I still have a slim figure, I have developed some muscles and I'm still
working on my body. But after seeing Rain's comeback, my muscles got a shock and immediately left me. (Laughs)

Q: During the photoshoot, you seemed like the mood-maker with your laughing out loud.
A: No matter where we are, we want to show our true selves without hiding anything. It's difficult to force a smile. When the photographer says "smile", one of us will laugh loudly like 'HAHAHA'. So everyone will laugh along, this is funny and we'll laugh again.

Q: You're part of MBC Every1's 'BokBulBok Season 2'. Isn't it difficult to get along with your seniors who are alot older than you?
A: Initially, I worried alot. I had heard some scary rumours about a few of them. But once I met them, they treated me well as a maknae. The hyungs called "Kibum ah~" and asked for my contact number.

Q: What do you usually do when you have free time? Do you play computer games with your hyung (SS501's Kim Hyung Jun)?
A: The two of us really like gaming. Even if we finish our schedules and return home late, we will play till 5 in the morning and go to work again at 7. Looks like we're addicted.

Q: Kim Hyung Jun and Kim Ki Bum, did you have a good relationship as brothers since young?
A: Ask the people around us. We are not lying about our good relationship for the sake of broadcasts. Of course when we were young we did quarrel. But ever since we had 2 computers at home, we hardly quarrel. Since we're both so busy, it's difficult to find time to even sit down and chat. How do we quarrel between us then?

Q: There has been intense competition between the idol groups these days. What is U-Kiss' strategy?
A: We always say this, we are an 'International Band' with local and overseas members who are good in foreign langauges. Another thing is that our members get along really well with each other. Our image of not hiding anything and behaving comfortable also seems to appeal to the public. A familiar flavor, this is the flavor of U-Kiss.


Q: You took part in today's shoot with alot of enthusiasm. It seems like you are really interested in fashion.
A: Yes. When I bought my school uniform in high school, I would have it altered to fit my body. I seem to be able to see what style suits me and what doesn't. A brand I like is Vivienne Westwood. I also like a school look or dandy look. However, since we're so busy these days, I just wear whatever is comfortable.

Q: You were a uljjang.
A: I was really popular in school. Since I lost alot of weight, I'm only skin and bones now but I think I look a little better than I did before. When I went home from high school, there were people who followed me and asked for my number. The netizens also took pictures from my minihompy and spread it over the Internet so if you search for Yatab (a place) or related terms, my name appears.

Q: You must have uploaded alot of cool pictures on your minihompy.
A: I like taking pictures. In future, I want to be a photographer.

Q: Since you were a student who enjoyed photography, why did you end up taking the route of a singer?
A: My mother always said. "I will like it if you take a different route from others. Don't live the ordinary life of finding a job and getting married, make your life special." To live a more interesting life where I will receive more love from people. So I started
dreaming of becoming a singer.

Q: But since you joined U-Kiss late, the burden must have been pretty heavy.
A: Although I wanted to realise my dream finally, the press released articles with such short notice. I was the new uljjang member from Yatab. Initially, the fans were like "I will only support 6 members" and I felt hurt. But now they all give me unconditional support.

Q: What is the moment that you remember best as an active member of U-Kiss?
A: My first stage. And our recent showcases in the Philippines where 20,000 fans turned up. I was surprised. The cheers were so loud that we couldn't hear the music on stage.

Q: Personally, what are you most interested in these days?
A: I want to be filial to my parents. So I am currently saving money for my University tuition fee.

Q: What do you want to study in the University?
A: I want to be a Film and Theatre major or Photography major. I want to study either one of them.


Q: You have the manliest appearance in U-Kiss. Somehow you seem like you would be tough to your girlfriend too.
A: No. I treat my girlfriend well with a 'kind style'. I am a gentleman.

Q: You were born and raised in America and went to China to study during your high school years.
A: Yes. I started learning Taekwondo since I was 6 and my coach asked me if I would try being an action-actor inChina. So I lived in China for 3 years alone. It was the toughest time of my life.

Q: So how did you end up being a singer in Korea?
A: My dad knew Kibum's older cousin (nuna) and so they sent my picture and profile to Korea. Honestly, I didn't want to do it at first. I couldn't even imagine being a singer. I didn't have any confidence in my dancing nor my singing. When I watch my performances now, I feel proud, thinking "my skills have improved".

Q: Do you still aspire to become an actor?
A: Yes. I want to be an actor that is known world wide. Not long ago, I filmed a Thai drama 'Autumn Destiny' with Kibum hyung. I played a tragic role of a guy who gives his heart to his crush who was sick and eventually passes away.

Q: In reality, would you be willing to give your heart to the person you love too?
A: Of course!

Q: You have been appearing on variety programs on cable TV lately. You have been crowned as the new 'Gag-dol' in various articles recently?
A: I always liked to joke around and make people laugh but it's usually not meant for broadcast. So I have to practice joking around like I'm on a variety program.

Q: You seemed to do okay after receiving a lot of help from Han Min Kwan, whom you are filming with. You have a house in America and you do a lot of overseas performances, so you must take the plane very often.
A: My passport seems like it's going to burst (laughs). But I like taking the plane. I have to get a window seat. It takes about 10 hours to go to America and I don't go to the toilet but hold it in instead.

Q: What do you wish for people to remember U-Kiss' Eli as?
A person who is cool when he is cool and funny when he is funny. And someone who works hard at everything.


Q: You were born and raised in America, how did you start wanting to be a singer?
A: Since I have people who do music at home, I started listening to a lot of music since young. I was also part of the school choir and church choral group. When I was in America and I saw Rain's performance, I felt, 'I have to become a singer'.

Q: In order to achieve your dream, you had to leave your family in America.
A: In 2006, in order to audition, I came to Korea with my mother but since she was worried for me, she was unable to leave me alone so she continued to stay with me. My father and elder sister is living in America.

Q: The other members always say they are envious of Kevin's singing skills. Can you reveal the secret to your singing skills?
A: I still lack a lot. Instead of forcing yourself to practice, sing along to the songs you like and I think your skills will improve quickly.

Q: Due to your pretty appearance in 'Star King', it became a hot topic.
A: I was really embarassed then. I had to put on a wig and make-up, wear girl clothes and appear on Star King. I thought, girls really have a hard time. Still, because of that my name reached no 1 on the search engines.

Q: Watching the photoshoot today, you seem to have a very friendly and polite personality. Isn't it difficult for you to change from your original personality to another on stage?
A: When singing a strong song, I cannot appear nice, can I? It's awkward when practicing it so it's a relief that people feel that I'm completely different from usual. I feel happy when people say I'm charismatic. I want to become a singer who can handle sad songs as well as lively songs.

Q: Among the 7 of you, who has the most similar sense of humour as you?
A: I think it's Alexander and Eli who were from abroad? When we watch a movie or drama, the three of us will be laughing loudly but the other members will say it's not funny and ask why we are laughing.

Q: What side of Kevin do you want to show to the public more?
A: As I grow older, I want to become diverse. So I want to sing as well as act, and I want to heard people say "oh, Kevin is totally different" I have to gain weight and work out too.

Q: Of course. You're really skinny.
A: Seems like I'm not gaining weight since I'm so bussy. Still, I'm happier now that we are so busy. If I have 2 days off, I'll feel like working madly.


Q: We meet again. Did you see the interview you did for the March issue of ?
A: Yes! My mother liked it a lot.

Q: Tell us about your trips to the Philippines and Thailand.
A: Recently in Thailand there have been antigovernment demonstrations, so we could only stay in our hotel. Still, the weather was very warm and I liked it. It seems like Southeast Asian weather suits me better. It was the first time we went to the Philippines so we went without high expectations but there were so many fans, I was shocked. We will be going there in May for a concert.

Q: I watched the blind date episode of MBCevery1's 'U-Kiss' Vampire'. You acted like you didn't really like your partner but it was strange that you picked her during the final couple evaluation. So Dongho you're a typical blood type B guy?
A: Ahem. It was to make it interesting but it seems like I somehow appeared weak. I don't want to appear as a guy who takes things lightly. I don't know what it's like usually but when the time comes to let go of your mind, my type B personality seems to show.

Q: During today's shoot, when the hyungs were joking around, you were silent on your own.
A: I'm usually like that. For no particular reason, I enjoy being quiet on my own. So it's my dream to be able to have my own space. I want to buy a house but first, if I had a car that'll be good. So first I have to get my driving license. I can do that from the 29th of June, 2012.

Q: That's strange. You have the image of an 'outgoing maknae' on TV.
A: That's why when my close friends watch me on TV, they ask me why I'm 'pretending'. But I am not pretending, I'm just working hard. Since it's my job.

Q: How much allowance do you get from your parents each month?
A: I don't get allowance. I manage the money I earn on my own. I invest the money I save in stocks too. The wallpaper of my handphone is information on stocks.

Q: So what do you want to do when you have earned enough money?
A: I want to buy a house. I want to have a house built in an area like Gangwon-do where the air is good, so that I can go there to rest occasionally.

Q: We really cannot look at Dongho like he is 'easy'. What kind of guy do you want to be in your life?
A: I want to be a good daddy. I want to raise pretty kids with my wife and live together in a big house.

Q: Today, the whole of U-Kiss are doing a photoshoot together. Do you think it will come out good too?
A: Yes. But the solo shoot I did is better. Haha.


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@Credits: KissMeUKiss.blogspot + Source (Elle Girl Korea) + ukissme.SG (Translations)


"U-Kiss - Elle Girl Interview" was Posted On: Saturday, May 15, 2010 @10:32 PM
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